DEEPMAX - Z1 specifications
Electrical data :
- Search-frequency with small/large search coils connected: approx. 2000 / 1000 pulses per second
- Audio target response voltage controlled oscillator VCO and volume/ threshold control: 0 - 4000 Hz
- Power source: external rechargeable battery 12V/ 7-8Ah
- Usage time: approx. 5 to 10 hours depending on temperature and connected coil
- Battery charger: charger with 90-265V AC/ 50-60Hz for world-wide operation
- Recharge time: approximately 8 hours depending on battery condition and ambient temperature
- Operating temperature: - 5°C to + 50°C
- Detection depths: see chapter 11 operating manual
Data logger :
- Multiple channel data acquisition, supported by GPS
- Storage media : internal memory
- Field length : 100m maximum
- Number of fields : 99
- Sampling rate : 12 per second
- Resolution : 24 bit
GPS - Module :
- Channels : 50 channels
- Sensitivity -162 dBm
- Frequency L1 : 1575.42 MHz
- C / A Code : 1.023 MHz chip rate
- Target precisions : Position Horizontal 2.5m CEP, 2.0m SEP with SBAS
- Date : WGS - 84
- Protocol : NMEA - 0183 V3.01 GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG
- Performance: Operating temperature : - 20 °C to + 60 °C
- Dimensions : 65 x 45 x 22 mm
The LORENZ - DEEPMAX - Z1 is practically service free.
- The electronics control box and the other components should always be kept clean and dry.
- This is particularly important for the plugs and sockets, which should never be stored when being wet.
- The electronics control box is water and dust protected but it should be avoided to immerse the unit in water.
- All search coils available for the LORENZ - DEEPMAX - Z1 are waterproof up to the connector.
- All the connectors should be kept dry.
- Design and specifications subject to change without notice !


We do not make the metal locating and cavity search different . . . we make it better !